Personal Electronics / Appliances
Space Heaters of any kind are NOT permitted within tenant suites (unless approved via Occupational Health).
Security will be conducting regular inspections during their day and night tours of the entire Campus. Any unauthorized space heaters found by Security or Transwestern will be confiscated. Occupational Health may approve space heaters for medical conditions only. The employee must have a medical reason and documentation; Occupational Health's approval must then be sent to Facilities Management for records keeping purposes. For more information from Occ. Health, please go to: and for Occ. Health contact info, please click:
Space Heaters are a fire hazard and draw more power, which causes circuit breakers to trip. Space Heaters could also cause false readings for the thermostats, which would affect the operation of the VAV box. This in turn would make your surrounding co-workers unnecessarily colder.
Humidifiers are also not permitted onsite.
Please be advised that the Campus does not allow Coffee Makers, Microwaves, Refrigerators, etc. in an employee’s office or cubicle. These items should only be located in a Pantry or Break Out area.